Your daily dose of goodness in a bottle. All you need to boost you up on a tiring day!
Ghee for Everyone! Our Ghee is gluten free and easily digestible for people who are intolerant to casein and lactose.
Desi A2 Free Grazing Cow Ghee is availabe in 1000ML
Your daily dose of goodness in a bottle. All you need to boost you up on a tiring day!
Ghee for Everyone! Our Ghee is gluten free and easily digestible for people who are intolerant to casein and lactose.
Your daily dose of goodness in a bottle. All you need to boost you up on a tiring day!
Ghee for Everyone! Our Ghee is gluten free and easily digestible for people who are intolerant to casein and lactose.
Begin your Gau seva journey with our all new Nandi Anubhav kit. "A kit specially curated for everyone to experience the essence of divinity of all our Panchgavya products". Enhance your surroundings and make your Auro more positive with our Agnihotri diya, breath in the fresh, aromatic scents from our Panchgvaya dhoops and discover the holiness with our Pure ghee Candle and Panchgavya Plain diya.
Nandi Panchgavya's patented Panchgavya diyas are 100% eco-friendly and pollution free. With 0 carbon footprint and maximum oxygen emissions, this is a gift of oxygen to you from Nandi Panchgavya. The cow dung, cow urine, milk, ghee and curd along with herbs used in these diyas according to Vedic rituals help in getting rid of any negative omens present around us and hence attract positivity. Each diya is handmade and contributes to the income of villagers as well as saves cows from ending up in slaughter houses.